♦ Our school follows the curriculum guidelines promulgated by the Archdiocese of Mobile and the State of Alabama Courses of Study. Our curriculum teaches Catholic values and social justice principles, respect for human rights, and academics.
♦ Our religion program provides all of us with the opportunity to practice Catholic Principles in our daily lives. Prayer permeates our day and special devotions are practiced during the liturgical year e.g. Rosary, Stations of the Cross, May Procession, preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist.
Honor Roll: Students in grades 5 – 8 may earn placement on the Honor Roll each quarter. This is to recognize special academic achievement on the part of students. There is an A Honor Roll and an A/B Honor Roll. Students may not have any U in conduct or in any of the DWP Skills on the report card.