Congratulations to our 8th grader, Austin Gontarski, for being selected as the Red Ribbon honoree for the 2019-20 school year at the Annual Superintendents' Red Ribbon Ceremony. Students are selected by their school as individuals who exemplify the 6 pillars of Character. Austin will be working on a project to present to students at St. Patrick Catholic School.
Our 5th graders participate in the Coastal Kids Quiz, which is an annual competition organized by the Alabama Coastal Foundation, in collaboration with Project CATE (Conservation Action Through Education) for teams of fifth graders in Mobile and Baldwin Counties. This year our students won 1st place. Great job!
On Thursday, January 31st, we had a wonderful visit from Archbishop Rodi and Superintendent Gwen Byrd. We began the day celebrating a beautiful Mass followed by classroom visits with Archbishop Rodi & Ms. Byrd. We look forward to their visit every year!
Students & Faculty at St. Patrick School celebrated the feast day of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary with Sr. Margaret. Nano Nagle, the foundress, was known as the Lady with the Lantern, because she used the light to walk thru the dark lanes of Cork, Ireland, looking for children to educate and taking care of the poor. The students presented the story of Nano and each child carried a paper lantern to remind them of our byline "Be God's Light in the World.”
Six of our wonderful teachers were awarded grants from the Baldwin EMC Operation Round Up Star Light Foundation. Deborah Brown was awarded her grant for “Joyful Noise” which will bring music-based literacy to her classes. Kelly Cote, 5th grade, received a grant for “Anyone can Code.” With this, her class will be learning to program Robots. Fun! Our next recipient was Natasha Pratt for “Art on Another Level.” With her grant, she has big plans to bring in artist Ricky Trione and Timmy Abell for the entire school. We are looking forward to their visit! Jamie Koons was awarded her grant for K-NEX in the K-lassroom! Her science classes will have so much fun with that. Our resource teacher, Laura Terrell, was awarded her grant for “Dr. Seuss Week.” She will be able to provide fun activities, such as a Dr. Seuss themed breakfast, and Dr. Seuss library books for our students. Our last recipient was Moira Flint for “Digging for Knowledge.” We can’t wait to see the raised gardening beds that will be used to grow edibles as well as plants that support pollinators, butterflies, and caterpillars. The combined total awarded to our teachers was more than $5000! We are very excited for you all!
An exciting time for students and faculty at SPCS! We’ve been preparing and rehearsing for a commercial. The filming was done this past week and still photos and other information has been submitted. We can’t wait to share the final product with everyone! Thank you to Mrs. Sharee Fincher and Mrs. Miska Dembowski for scheduling and organizing the activities. [photos - Natasha Pratt]
Today our morning assembly was held outside by the statue of Mary as the flag was raised to half-staff on this 17th anniversary of the horrific attacks of 9/11. Students, faculty, and friends joined Sr. Margaret in prayer remembering those tragic events that forever changed so many American lives. Mrs. Natasha Pratt led the group singing our National Anthem. We keep all first responders, active military, and their families in our daily prayers.
Our K4 class met their 8th grade buddies today. Their task was to play with center materials and then clean up before moving on to explore the next center. During the year, 8th grade students will spend time guiding our K4 students as they attend mass with the school. The students will also partner up for shared reading, art projects, and a variety of other learning tasks. (Mrs. Shelly Bosarge, Teacher)
Sincerest thanks to Roberta & Tim Mullek, coordinators of the Wild Irish Night, and to Kimberly Mullek, race director for the St. Patrick's Leprechaun Chase. THANK YOU to everyone who participated in any way! We are pleased to announce the financial results of your two great and successful fundraisers this school year. The profit for the Wild Irish Night was $39,220 and the profit for the St. Patrick's Leprechaun Chase was $18,391. This total amount of
$57,611 is applied to the operational running of our school with the purpose of keeping our tuition rates affordable. God bless everyone! --Sr. Margaret Harte, Principal
Students, faculty, and friends enjoyed and cheered at the year end volleyball game! Thank you to our volunteer coaches, score keepers, linesmen and cheerleaders!
Students from K4 through the 2nd grade teamed up to play a game of soccer for the school. All grades attended to cheer on the players and Fr. Jim was the referee.
We had special visitors this week! A few St. Patrick Catholic alumni hosted a Q&A on "life as a freshman" at St. Michael Catholic High School for our graduating 8th grade class; Lane Raley, Julianna Fredriksen, Timothy Mullek, Paige Hatfield.
Ms. Yestrumsky’s 2nd grade class enjoyed a hot, Friday afternoon making Lucky Charms bar graphs during math. Students sorted and graphed their colorful marshmallows, and answered questions using their yummy data.
Congratulations to Brianna Jordan, Claire Hayes, Regan Bushaw, and Marley Charles for making the JV Volleyball team at St. Michael Catholic's! We are proud of you!
Sixth graders, Leena Smith and Sam Curran; and seventh grader, Mary Grace Brown, along with chaperone/teacher Deborah Brown, attended the ACYC Jr. Called and Chosen retreat held Saturday, May 5th at St. Michael Catholic HS. The retreat is held twice a year in different locations of the Archdiocese of Mobile. Students worshipped, had fun, and met other 6th, 7th, and 8th graders from around the Archdiocese.
Students, faculty, and friends gathered around the statue of Mary to place flowers and sing in celebration for the annual May Crowning, honoring Mary, the mother of Jesus. Everyone prayed the
Hail Mary and sang,
O Mary We Crown Thee With Blossoms Today, as Kannon Seals (Grd8), placed the crown upon Mary’s statue assisted by Kirsten Caine (Grd8) and Nathalie Maldonado (Grd7).
Congratulations to the students winning at the Alabama Council for Technology in Education (ACTE) computer fair. Seven out of nine projects won a trophy; fourteen trophies in all, some individual and some group projects. (...)
The fourth grade class at SPCS traveled to Montgomery, Alabama, to tour the State Capitol, visit the Alabama Department of Archives and History, and Old Alabama Town. This annual field trip is always fun and educational for the students and families.
"THANK YOU St. Patrick Parishioners for supporting our coupon book fundraiser! The generous support of individuals like you make it possible for us to take this trip every year!" — Mrs. Miska Dembowski, SPCS 4th Grade.